BoD Meeting

Date: 01/09/2007

Time: 7:38 PM – 9:07 PM

Place: Nazareth Church

Meeting called by: BoD Type of meeting: Normal Scheduled Meeting
Facilitator: Lindsey Sturkie Note taker: Patrick Hedgepath
Timekeeper: Patrick Hedgepath Attendees: Patrick Hedgepath, Chad Keller, Lindsey Sturkie - Homeowners


Agenda item: Meeting called to order
Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
Motion made by:  
Motion second by:  
Action items:
  • The meeting was called to order.
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Agenda item: Quorum
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey presented the issue of do we have a quorum 23 lot owners were at the meeting plus spouses.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: There was not a full quorum present.
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Minutes were presented
    Presenter: Patrick Hedgepath
    Discussion: The minutes from the previous meeting were read to the HoA.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Presentation of the current budget
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey presented the current budget to the HoA. The current balance was $20,381 The moving of the billing from Jan 1 to April 1 was discussed. The reasons for the change were discussed. The dues were moved so they would not be close to any holiday such as Christmas.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Treasurer Vacancy
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: The HoA was presented with the idea of the vacancy in the treasurer position. A call for volunteers for the position was the first option. The second option presented was to hire a book keeping person/firm/company. Marvin Parsons and Russell Eubanks discussed they did not see why the BoD could not contract an outside party to do this. Bob Handly asked if this individual would have access to the checkbook or not. Lindsey said they would not be signing checks but would be writing them. Randall Mungo mentioned talking to the two people we had already talked with and see what their thoughts were on handling just the books.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Old Business
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie

    Lindsey Discussed open issues from the previous open meeting. Issues included...
    Liability Insurance
    Up lighting (discussion was had) Show of hands unanimously HoA wanted lights.
    Crime watch committee was mentioned. Betty Fortin mentioned calling the police if you see anything out of the ordinary.
    Speeding was mentioned and the traffic strips that were put in place were discussed. At least one violation (traffic ticket) was written. Chad Keller talked about his dealings with the sheriffs department and trying to get the results from that.
    ARC progress was mentioned. The new ARC is in place. More volunteers were asked for.
    How people get the guidelines was discussed.
    Posting of the minutes for people to download was mentioned. Russell Eubanks mentioned putting the minutes in a password protected area for people to view.

    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Vacant lot issues
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: If the lot would perk or not was discussed. One of the homeowners next to the lot mentioned she did not want anything put on the lot. Lindsey discussed if the lot would or would not perk gives the HoA different options for development. Homeowners expressed their opinions on the vacant lot. Randall Mungo passed out some overhead photos with some layouts. Bob Handley mentioned the books would need to be audited regularly. Randall Mungo mentioned the survey that was sent out previously and the results from the survey being a shed and some playground equipment. Betty Fortin asked if there would their be a cost increase to homeowners as a result of this. Bob Handley mentioned the noise factor could become an issue. Patrick Hedgepath mentioned the possibility that the lot could be sold to the homeowner that lives next to the lot. Lindsey Sturkie mentioned a quorum was desired to vote on any topic.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Open Floor for HoA homeowner concerns
    Presenter: Lindsey Strukie
    Discussion: Betty Fortin mentioned a No Soliciting sign. Lindsey asked for a show of hands on a sign at the entrance to the neighborhood. Overwhelmingly people wanted a sign.
    Loose dogs was mentioned. The BoD asked the HoA to to inform them of the lots that are doing this so the BoD could take action. Lindsey Sturkie asked for any other concerns.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Meeting Adjourned
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  